Vastgoed Syndicering Nederland n.v. (VSN)
Vastgoed Syndicering Nederland n.v. starts and manages residential real estate funds on behalf of private investors.
VSN is a professional asset management company that invests in rental residences on the Dutch real estate market that aims at gaining a high and sound return for its private investors.
Currently, VSN has 45 funds under management with an average size of about € 20 million. Each participant participates in shares of € 25.000.
Since its establishment VSN has started 40 residential real estate funds of which 34 are still under management today. In July 2013 VSN took over the management of RFM Regulated Fund Management’s six RFM Woning- Winkelfondsen (Residential – Retail Funds). On top of that VSN took over Bouwfonds’ two Solid Funds in December 2013, followed by the take over of three residential real estate funds of Staalbankiers in July 2016.
VSN strives to start at least two funds per year. Investing in closed real estate funds offers fiscal and technical investment benefits (Box 3 investment). The return for private investors is gained through the exploitation of the fund and through sales of residences. VSN is certified by the The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and is a registered member of KiFid, Dutch Financial Services Complaints Authority.
The total invested assets amount to over € 1 billion